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  • 0x8744...6532.
    Apr 20, 2023
    Экспертные Вопросы и Ответы

    How to deploy a factory contract in vyper?

    I have a contract in vyper that looks as such: I'm a comment! SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT @version ^0.3.7 If remix isn't updated use version: ^0.2.16 myFavoriteNumber: uint256 struct Person: favoriteNumber: uint256 name: String[100] Static Array/List listOfPeople: public(Person[5]) listOfPeopleIndex: uint256 nameToFavoriteNumber: HashMap[String[100], uint256] @external def store(_favoriteNumber: uint256): self.myFavoriteNumber = _favoriteNumber @external @view def retrieve() -> uint256: return self.myFavoriteNumber @external def addPerson(_name: String[100], _favoriteNumber: uint256): newPerson: Person = Person({favoriteNumber: _favoriteNumber, name: _name}) self.listOfPeople[self.listOfPeopleIndex] = newPerson self.listOfPeopleIndex += 1 self.nameToFavoriteNumber[_name] = _favoriteNumber And I'd like another contract to be able to deploy this contract. In solidity this is as easy as an import. But how do I do this in vyper? In solidity, I'd do: // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.19; import "./SimpleStorage.sol"; contract StorageFactory { SimpleStorage[] public listOfSimpleStorageContracts; function createSimpleStorageContract() public { SimpleStorage simpleStorageContractVariable = new SimpleStorage(); // SimpleStorage simpleStorage = new SimpleStorage(); listOfSimpleStorageContracts.push(simpleStorageContractVariable); } } `

    • #Vyper
  • BalanceBeads.
    Mar 09, 2023
    Экспертные Вопросы и Ответы

    Social links to Vyper

    Can we know more what it is Vyper, what it does? Can we get some social links? Thank you.

    • #Vyper
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